
Thursday, June 23, 2011

i'm not just music and coffee lover, but im addicted to those things!!

Entah sejak kapan gue mulai suka sama yang namanya KOPI. Sepertinya itu bahkan udah dimulai sejak gue kecil.. Berawal dari nyicipin kopi item yang biasa diminum sama ayah, lama-lama gue jadi kecanduan kopi.

Bagi gue, sehariii aja gak minum kopi itu aneh. Rasanya ada yang kurang.. Okay, mungkin agak hiperbola, tapi itu kenyatannya.

Well.. sekarang sih udah gak jaman ya minum kopi item? Mungkin sekarang orang-orang akan lebih menganggap kopi itu salah satu 'peningkat martabat' dengan nongkrong manis di starbucks,, atau tempat-tempat nongkrong lain yang emang menawarkan suasana yang cozy. Ini gak bisa dipungkiri, karena emang suasana yang nyaman + delicious coffee + sweet cake + soft music + novel favorit voila, itu akan menjadi hari yang sempurna bagi gue.

Terus gimana sama efek samping caffeinnya? Jangan dikira gue gak mikirin itu ya, karena banyak temen yang bawel ngingetin kalo minum kopi setiap hari itu gak baik untuk kesehatan, yadda yadda yadda... Tapi gimana dong? Namanya juga addicted :( Kalo kata Raditya Dika, 'me to caffeine is like Frankenstein to elctricity'!! I cant stop it, i dreadfully love it. ;)

Anyway, selain kopi, hal yang juga gak boleh terlewatkan setiap harinya adalah MUSIK. Oh God i dont know how gonna bad my days are without music, is it too much? ah i dont care if you say im too much about it ;D Tapi bener deh, musik itu bener-bener ajaib. You just can tell your feeling through music, whether you're happy, sad, falling in love with sombody, broken hearted, or whatever it is, music will always find the way to say it as what you're feeling at that time. And im very confident to say that sometimes when you hear a song, you just want to put its lyric on your status because that song tells everything about your feeling. Am i right?!! Right?! Yeah, we're human, and it's normal i think :D

Dan mungkin karena sebegitu kecanduannya gue sama musik, akhirnya kakak-kakak gue ngasih iPod sebagai kado ulang tahun gue, 3 tahun yang lalu. Dan sampe sekarang iPod itu masih berfungsi dengan baik, dan benda itu jadi salah satu benda wajib yang harus dibawa kemanapun, dan jadi penghilang kebosanan paling ampuh buat gue. hmmm, hate to say this, but i love you brothers as much as i love my iPod. ;p

Okay, post yang ini emang rada gak penting sih. Cuma pengen mendeskripsikan seberapa pentingnya kopi dan musik bagi gue. Nyesel baca postingan ini?! Bodo amat! lalalalaaaaaa... ;D


Monday, June 13, 2011

Puisi Lama, Untitled

Perih kurasakan..
Dikala hati bergejolak tiba-tiba intan itu hilang tanpa memberikan kilauan terakhir bagiku
Itu membuat aku hanya terbasahi airmata
Disini aku hanya dapat menapaki jalan yang ada di depanku..
Menatap sendu realita takdirku.. 
Dua kali lebih perih ketika aku tau dirinya tak pernah menyimpan apapun disini.

Hanya satu kata, PERIH

Sayang dia tak pernah mengerti apa yang ada dalam kalbuku
Dia tak pernah mengerti arti dari dermaga yang aku singgahi
Dan tiga kali lebih perih ketika dia tak pernah menganggapku ada

Kini aku hanya ingin sendiri dalam kegelapan abadi. 
Tanpa sehirup nafas 
Tanpa seberkas cahaya
Tanpa rasa sakit yang menggigit
Karena inilah yang akan memuaskan dirinya.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The sweetest word in this world is MOM (for me)

how are you today? hope everything's fine with you out there.. always.
im so far away from you now, but im thinking of you all the time mom. When im sad, happy, disappointed or whatever, you're the first that i remember, oh sorry, the second maybe, after Allah. :)

i dont know why, really, i dont know what's the magic that you have, even in your voice, it could make me feel better.. When i cry, and then you call me, suddenly the tears stop fall down, and my heart feels so relieve..
i dont even know there is a magic formula like that. Maybe you know what kind of magic that is, i'll ask you about it later :)

you're the strongest person that i've ever known. i swear!
and im such as the stupidiest child in this world becos i took a long time to realize it.
no matter how much dissapointment that you received from that people, you're still by his side, guard him, accompany him whether in good or worst situation, still taking good care of him, everyday, everytime..
oh, mom, i dont understand how can you be so strong like that.. :(
i love you mom, really! and you're an angel for me.. more than angel perhaps..

i promise to you, that i'll make you proud of me, that i'll take good care of you, everytime of my life..
that i'll make you smile, everyday in your life. i live my life only for you, mom..
just for make you proud, happy, warm.. everyday.
someday, i'll give you what you want.. anything, everything..
im your daughter, and i promise to be the best thing in your life.. to erase all of your disappointment and change it into happiness. I PROMISE YOU!

oh shit im crying when i write this note. :)

for now, i just can pray for you everytime, God will always take care of you mom, and surround you with happiness there. let me reach my dream first, and build a new world for you, world that you dreamt about. :)


your beloved daughter

Friday, June 10, 2011

They called it 'karma' but i called it GIFT

Have you ever heard 'bout it?! Often?! Yep! Karma does exist..

I never ever thought that hurt someone would be so hurt for ourselves too.. more than his/her pain i think.
I never had any intention of hurting someone, i swear!
Becos i knew exactly how hurt it is when someone hurts me. 

But since i had those case, i realized that im really really  a wicked one.
i experienced the worse case, when im in a position  people who were being hurt.  And at that time, all i can do was cry over and over again 'till i realized that was God's way to save me, to protect me, to show me that i deserve someone better. BETTER than those LIAR!
At that time, i still asked myself "why? how could this happen to me? why me? what's my fault?"
And i never get the right answer..

But now, no no not now, it was a week or two weeks ago or maybe three weeks, i dont remember exactly..
God puts me in the opposite position, when im a liar and hurt someone else..

For God's sake it was really really the hardest situation for me.
i just cant forgive myself bcos of that. Perhaps till now, i still cant forgive myself. :)
i never expected to disappoint someone. At that time, i really had my sincerity, but maybe in the wrong way.
im so sorry about it, really really sorry.. i can do nothing to change the past, but at least, i was brave enough to admit my mistake. :) and that was all i can do.

And now, i dont know why, i just feel sooooooo comfort.
really, when you count on God for everything you do in your life, you'll see that everything's gonna be fine in the end. :)

And for all that i've experienced, maybe you called it KARMA,
But i called it GIFT FROM GOD..becos of that experience i can forgive my past. :)

thank you God

welcome to my blog :)

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